Juan Alberto is an Accountant graduated from Universidad del Bío-Bío (Concepción, Chile), where he also worked as a professor giving lectures on audit of financial statements in 2006. He was a lecturer in the external audit course at the Instituto de Estudios Bancarios Guillermo Subercaseaux in 2009.
He also has a degree in Financial Management from Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
Juan Alberto is a native Spanish speaker and speaks English.
Juan Alberto is a Partner in EY in Chile. He has more than 25 years’ experience in the financial advisory services and more than 15 years in transaction services.
He has worked for EY since 1998 in the Concepción, Puerto Montt and Santiago offices.
He has participated in numerous financial statement audit assignments and, starting from 2007, has been exclusively dedicated to Transaction Advisory Services (Financial and Accounting Due Diligence).
He has worked with companies from various industries including telecom, insurance, financial services, concessions, oil & gas, energy and cleantech, utilities, manufacturing, construction, retail, healthcare, and transportation, amongst others.
During his career, Juan has been involved/leading more than 250 due diligence process (buy side and sell side) working for local and foreign clients.
Juan Alberto Orrego San Juan

Juan Alberto Orrego San Juan
Socio consultoria en transacciones
EY Consultores Ltda
Programas realizados en IdDC
Certificación Internacional 2019
Áreas de conocimiento
Agropecuario, Comercio y Productos de Consumo, Forestal, Sevicios Profesionales, Servicio Tecnológicos, Pesquero, Turismo, Restaurantes y Hoteles, Educación, Energético, Inmobiliario y construcción, Manufacturero, Salud, Transporte, Logístico y Portuario, Servicios Básicos (útilities)